PLC - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia PLC PLC
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Company name PLC
St Bole, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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What is is one of the biggest B2B (business to business) directories in Ethiopia with millions of companies profiles with basic information like, operation of business, category of business, product catalogs, basic contact info including (website, email id, location and phone number), turnover, company size and VAT number. In simple words, it is an online marketplace connecting buyers and sellers through retailers, contractors, wholesalers, manufacturers and dealers.
Who is it for? is the business listing website in Ethiopia for business professionals including marketing manager, business owners, purchasing managers, export and import dealers, procurement managers and traders.
5 Benefits of Listing Your Business to a Local  
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Advertising Your Brand/Business
Advertisement is the key to success for a company’s growth, increasing sales and connecting with potential customers. The benefit of advertising your business is not limited to any particular area; rather it is focused on many aspects of business’s growth, brand awareness and targeting customers. There are wide varieties of ways to advertise and promote your business locally. In the modern era of technology and age of internet, the best one is through advertisement on local directories. The benefit of local advertisement is to market your presence online in front of millions of people and connecting with them to finalize the deal.
Improve Brand Image
Local businesses like international ones need brand management and image building in order to compete with the rivals. In the tough competitive environment and threats of new entrants, there are chances that your company may face severe threats. In order to make sure that you survive the competition, the best way is to submit your business in a top local online directory in order to build brand. It is simple to list your business on a local directory by giving your company’s name, address, videos and photos. Make sure to give a catchy review of your business and establish goodwill of your business in front of potential customers and win trust of the clients.
Enhancing Your Business
Suppose you are the first one to make online presence through online local business directory but your rivals have not taken any initiative. Now think of the benefit you can avail by promoting your business through local online directory. You will definitely be ahead of your competitors and build a strong repute within no time. Nowadays, a majority of people rely on online search for particular service locally. For instance, if you are an interior decorator and have listed your business in local business directory. However, your competitors have not listed yet, your chances of reaching the potential customers are greater. You will be contacted by clients more often and hence grow your business and target the audience rightly.
Online Listing Or Marketing
Reaching your target audience is the key to success and one way is to list your business on a local business directory. You will find a big difference by submitting your business to local search directory. The local listing sites are categorized according to nature of business. Make sure to select the appropriate category of your business/service in order to capture targeted audience and improve your search results. Local advertisement on local listing is the key to successful Search Engine Optimization. Increase the number of visitors to your website by adding website and linking it to a local advertising platform. Your chances of enhancing your online existence will get double benefits and increasing number of visits.
Inexpensive Advertising Publicity
With increasing number of websites and advertisement platforms, the most effective and affordable one is through online directory advertising. You can list your products/services in a local directory, without worrying about the maintenance cost with 24/7 support. Through local listing website, the chances of growing your business with a minimum investment are greater than any other platform available online.
If you are running your own business or offering services, helps you get in front of people through advertising. You can advertise with us by claiming your listing. As soon as your business gets attention, your chances of growth is superlative
Contact Us strives to help you and your business to grow. If you are facing any kind of problem, have any queries or need any assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team of experienced and friendly customer representative will get back to you soon and solve your problem.
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