ETG Designers & Consultants Share company - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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Company name
ETG Designers & Consultants Share company
12756, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Contact number
+251 115 54 88 60/65
+251 115 54 17 47
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We ETG Designers, would like to mention the above subjects please edit our company contact page contents as under blow here
ETG Designers and Consultants Share Company
Email or
Telephone line: +251 115 54 88 60/65
Fax: +251 115 54 17 47
About Us
A 100-year legacy in the making
ETG: Excellence, Tenacity & Grit. These define the 22+ years that our company has been in service to our community. Armed with a vision and unrelenting passion, our founder, Dr. Eshetu T. Gelan, set out to build what is now one of Ethiopia’s leading Grade 1 Architectural and Engineering Consulting Firms, defining Ethiopia’s skyline, with a goal to expand into other African countries. In 2017, ETG
With a 150+ specialized staff, ETG’s breadth of services spans from design consulting, urban planning and design to contract administration and supervision, further delving into environment, infrastructural design and water resource management, all led by senior experts in their respective fields.
ETG has delivered over 100+ large-scale privately funded and public projects in nearly all sectors including commercial and residential high-rise to financial institutions and hospitals as well as industrial designs. Most recently ETG unveiled Allana Meat Factory, the largest meat processing plant in Africa and the iconic 23 story Wegagen Bank Headquarters.
Here at ETG, we believe in always doing better. We do not settle, constantly bringing excellence and providing creative ideas to better the world. The focus of ETG leadership is on creating an environment that rings true to our values. We take our clients’ ideas and make them a reality. We offer an extensive range of knowledge with constantly growing experience. ETG brings our unique mind set and knowledge to every part of our clients’ projects.
Thank you for your corporation
ETG Designers and Consultants Sh. Co.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
We ETG Designers, would like to mention the above subjects please edit our company contact page contents as under blow here
ETG Designers and Consultants Share Company
Email or
Telephone line: +251 115 54 88 60/65
Fax: +251 115 54 17 47
About Us
A 100-year legacy in the making
ETG: Excellence, Tenacity & Grit. These define the 22+ years that our company has been in service to our community. Armed with a vision and unrelenting passion, our founder, Dr. Eshetu T. Gelan, set out to build what is now one of Ethiopia’s leading Grade 1 Architectural and Engineering Consulting Firms, defining Ethiopia’s skyline, with a goal to expand into other African countries. In 2017, ETG
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fulfilled its growth plan by becoming an employee-owned Share Company, further cementing its position as a pioneer in the country’s economic landscape.With a 150+ specialized staff, ETG’s breadth of services spans from design consulting, urban planning and design to contract administration and supervision, further delving into environment, infrastructural design and water resource management, all led by senior experts in their respective fields.
ETG has delivered over 100+ large-scale privately funded and public projects in nearly all sectors including commercial and residential high-rise to financial institutions and hospitals as well as industrial designs. Most recently ETG unveiled Allana Meat Factory, the largest meat processing plant in Africa and the iconic 23 story Wegagen Bank Headquarters.
Here at ETG, we believe in always doing better. We do not settle, constantly bringing excellence and providing creative ideas to better the world. The focus of ETG leadership is on creating an environment that rings true to our values. We take our clients’ ideas and make them a reality. We offer an extensive range of knowledge with constantly growing experience. ETG brings our unique mind set and knowledge to every part of our clients’ projects.
Thank you for your corporation
ETG Designers and Consultants Sh. Co.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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