INTER AIDE FRANCE - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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Company description
Inter Aide specializes in carrying out development programs for particularly poor families. Since its establishment in 1980, the domains in which it acts have been water sanitation and hygiene (WASH), agriculture, health and school support.
These programs are set up in particularly isolated rural areas, where needs and population densities are both high, where few or no NGOs are involved, and where the local situation is stable enough to allow effective action towards populations self-reliance.
There are 66 professionals in the field and at headquarters. They rely on local teams recruited in the intervention zones and, as far as possible, on local partners (such as public authorities, associations or contractors). They strive to always involve the beneficiaries, with the aim of developing their autonomy and the sustainability of the actions carried out.
These programs are set up in particularly isolated rural areas, where needs and population densities are both high, where few or no NGOs are involved, and where the local situation is stable enough to allow effective action towards populations self-reliance.
There are 66 professionals in the field and at headquarters. They rely on local teams recruited in the intervention zones and, as far as possible, on local partners (such as public authorities, associations or contractors). They strive to always involve the beneficiaries, with the aim of developing their autonomy and the sustainability of the actions carried out.
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