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100 meter away from diaspora square to British Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Contact number
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+251116 464348
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Mr. Henok MelesseEstablishment year
26-50E-mail address
Company description
Save your Generation Ethiopia is an indigenous, not-for-profit, non-governmental humanitarian organization established in 1991 by a group of visionary youth to address the very problem of SRH issues. The philosophical principle of the organization emanates from the saying of Martin Luther King which is “Even if the end of the world is coming today, I shall plant a young apple tree today”. Over the past years, SYGE has strived to serve the youth in the country both men and women including people with disabilities. Among the youth, SYGE has tried to solve the problems of the most at risk groups of the youth in higher institutions (universities) starting from the year 2003 and has shown a remarkable impact in the lives of these population in regard to SRH issues and HIV & AIDS.
In general, SYGE’s organizational and programmatic capacities have been growing every year through increased and diversified donor basis. In this regard it has built its capacity to manage large amounts of funds from donors and also have increased the man power composition in number and also in educational level. Over the last 19 years, SYGE has successfully implemented various development and HIV/ AIDS preventive projects addressing more than a million people.
In the year 2010 also SYGE has been implementing various projects in collaboration with different donors/ partners such as FHI, PACT, Population Council, CORHA, EPHA, UNICEF, and Geneva Global.
In the year ended 2010, SYGE has successfully implemented development and preventive projects such as University SRH & HIV/AIDS project, Addis Ababa taxi HIV intervention project, Adolescent RH & HIV/AIDS prevention project, One Love campaign project, SRH menstrual management for vulnerable rural girls project, Emergency communication project, Y-choice project, and Tomorrow’s Hope project.
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the last 20 service years, SYGE has been supported financially and technically by well known international and national donors such as UNICEF, FHI, PACT Ethiopia, CORHA, EPHA, French Embassy, MOE, MOH, Geneva Global, DSW, and others.In general, SYGE’s organizational and programmatic capacities have been growing every year through increased and diversified donor basis. In this regard it has built its capacity to manage large amounts of funds from donors and also have increased the man power composition in number and also in educational level. Over the last 19 years, SYGE has successfully implemented various development and HIV/ AIDS preventive projects addressing more than a million people.
In the year 2010 also SYGE has been implementing various projects in collaboration with different donors/ partners such as FHI, PACT, Population Council, CORHA, EPHA, UNICEF, and Geneva Global.
In the year ended 2010, SYGE has successfully implemented development and preventive projects such as University SRH & HIV/AIDS project, Addis Ababa taxi HIV intervention project, Adolescent RH & HIV/AIDS prevention project, One Love campaign project, SRH menstrual management for vulnerable rural girls project, Emergency communication project, Y-choice project, and Tomorrow’s Hope project.
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