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Company name
Kebele 4, 1166, P.O.Box 988, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Contact number
Mobile phone
+251 91 143 8177
+251 11 371 1940
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 8 AM - 5 PM
- Tuesday: 8 AM - 5 PM
- Wednesday: 8 AM - 5 PM
- Thursday: 8 AM - 5 PM
- Friday: 8 AM - 5 PM
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Establishment year
11-50E-mail address
Company description
From our small beginnings some 2 decades back, we have grown to be one of the major suppliers of medical technology. Our humble start was in 1996 when Ms Yeshewa Nadew and Mr Tefera Tafesse started by envisioning the growing need for medical equipment in Ethiopia.
It took off quickly and soon they were able to sign exclusive representation of one of the main companies in lab equipment manufacturing, Beckman Coulter.
Delta has a growing number of reliable and recognized manufacturers under its representation, and covers a wide and growing range of areas: Clinical Chemistry and Electrolytes, Immunoassay, Hematology, Microbiology, Automation, Hemodialysis and various laboratory supplies.
In an effort to further strengthen our capability, recently we welcomed an international equity
Delta's management consists of a highly competent team of engineers, medical and business professionals, who combined are able to provide the best deal by weaving in the variables of technology, supplies and services. However complex your requirement is, you can be assured that we are capable of assuming 100% responsibility, leaving you to focus on your customers, and not your back-end operation.
It took off quickly and soon they were able to sign exclusive representation of one of the main companies in lab equipment manufacturing, Beckman Coulter.
Delta has a growing number of reliable and recognized manufacturers under its representation, and covers a wide and growing range of areas: Clinical Chemistry and Electrolytes, Immunoassay, Hematology, Microbiology, Automation, Hemodialysis and various laboratory supplies.
In an effort to further strengthen our capability, recently we welcomed an international equity
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investment group further affirming Delta's strong commitment to continued growth in the sector. The group has within its network extensive trading, marketing and sales, business management and health sector experience, which will further help to boost our ability and participate in what is one of the most exciting markets on the African continent for medical technology with its strategic location, an internal market of over 100 million, and with a government that is committed to improve the healthcare of the population, Ethiopia. We are currently in the process of expanding to the immediate neighboring countries with similar demand profile: South Sudan, Sudan, Djibouti, Somalia, and Eritrea.Delta's management consists of a highly competent team of engineers, medical and business professionals, who combined are able to provide the best deal by weaving in the variables of technology, supplies and services. However complex your requirement is, you can be assured that we are capable of assuming 100% responsibility, leaving you to focus on your customers, and not your back-end operation.
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