Caparol Paints Ethiopia - Addis Ababa
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Company name
Caparol Paints Ethiopia
Ethiopia - East Africa, Addis Ababa
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Working hours
- Monday: 8:30 - 16:30
- Tuesday: 8:30 - 16:30
- Wednesday: 8:30 - 16:30
- Thursday: 8:30 - 16:30
- Friday: 8:30 - 16:30
- Saturday: 8:30 - 16:30
- Sunday: Closed
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Caparol paints AfricaEstablishment year
201-500Company description
Caparol Africa (Ethiopia) is dedicated to delivering high-quality emulsions, enamels, decorative and structural coatings, along with cutting-edge insulation technology. As part of the DAW Group, headquartered in Ober-Ramstadt, Germany, we are proud to represent Caparol, the premier brand known for its architectural and decorative paints in Germany.
Since our inception in the Middle East market in 1999, Caparol has been at the forefront of architectural creativity and innovation. With a production plant in Dubai, we are committed to driving excellence in both the Middle East and African countries. Our iconic striped elephant emblem stands for reliability, technical expertise, and superior product performance.
Caparol's stone finishes have garnered widespread acclaim across the GCC
As we look to the future, Caparol Africa (Ethiopia) remains dedicated to providing innovative, eco-friendly, and sustainable solutions for healthier living environments. Join us as we continue to support the region with products that embody excellence, durability, and environmental consciousness.
Since our inception in the Middle East market in 1999, Caparol has been at the forefront of architectural creativity and innovation. With a production plant in Dubai, we are committed to driving excellence in both the Middle East and African countries. Our iconic striped elephant emblem stands for reliability, technical expertise, and superior product performance.
Caparol's stone finishes have garnered widespread acclaim across the GCC
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markets, establishing themselves as the benchmark product in the region for the past two decades. In 2019, we celebrated our twentieth anniversary of successful operations in the region, marked by numerous prestigious projects such as pavilions at Expo 2020, prominent hotels, schools, hospitals, and residential complexes.As we look to the future, Caparol Africa (Ethiopia) remains dedicated to providing innovative, eco-friendly, and sustainable solutions for healthier living environments. Join us as we continue to support the region with products that embody excellence, durability, and environmental consciousness.
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Products & Services 3
- Caparol OptimaMatt InteriorAn acrylic vinyl co-polymer dead-matt emulsion paint for int...
- Caparol CapaStone BaseCoatA base coat for CapaStone systems (EXCEPT CeraTile) that pro...
- Caparol RashaatRashaat allows you to mix multiple colors to create one of t...
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