ethio Tours - Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

ethio Tours
ethio Tours
ethio Tours
ethio Tours
  • Verified
  • +4Years
    With Us
Company name
ethio Tours
St george street, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
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Working hours
  • Monday: 24 hours
  • Tuesday: 24 hours
  • Wednesday: 24 hours
  • Thursday: 24 hours
  • Friday: 24 hours
  • Saturday: 24 hours
  • Sunday: 24 hours
Contact Person
mr.melese Aychew
Company manager
melese aychew
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Company description
Ethio Tours , we are passionate about our off the beaten track experiences as we provide our travelers with the thrill of coming face to face with untouched cultures as well as wilderness regions of great natural beauty of Ethiopia . In addition to running tours on the more popular tourist circuits, such as the Historic Route, Simien Mountain Trekking, the Rift Valley and Bale Mountains, and the Omo Valley, we can organise tours off the beaten track, in the Afar Region, Estern Ethiopia and the west bank of the Omo . We also provide a variety of specialist tours, in ornithology, flowers and plants, geology, and anthropology, and can set up study tours in the discipline of your choice, from Art to Zoology, linking up with Ethiopian institutions and associations, specialists and experts. We  
Show more are committed to ensuring that our unique itineraries are well researched, affordable and tailored for the enjoyment of small groups or individuals . Our itineraries will give you the very best travel experience, designed by people with incredible local knowledge who share our vision of authentic exchange and real exploration with a responsible tourism approach. Whether you like your adventures to include trekking, touring, cycling, kayaking ethio Tours , can make it happen for you. We hope you will join us for life changing experience!! Ethio Tours , we pride ourselves on having the best travel team in Ethiopia . Our passion, prices and promotions are that your satisfaction is guaranteed. We designed our itineraries in such a way that you can compose a 1 to 6 weeks journey from different modules that can show you the entire country or just the parts that interest you, all depending on your personal preferences, available time and budget. why Book with Ethio Tours ? When planning travel to remote and challenging destinations, many factors need to be considered. Our extra attention to detail and seamless operations on the ground ensure that you will have a memorable experience in Ethiopia . We take every precaution to ensure smooth logistics, our vehicles and equipment are the best available on the market. Most importantly, our adventures have always sought to benefit the local peoples we interact with, safeguard the ecosystems we explore and contribute to the sustainability of travel in the regions we experience. You will be accompanied by local guides whose knowledge and passion will add a unique dimension to your trip. Their experience and enthusiasm ensures that we maintain the leading edge in adventure travel and therefore providing excellent value for money. Our group size is small, never exceeding a maximum number of sixteen. Given our local knowledge, experience and excellent leadership, we are quite sure that this tour will be a trip of a lifetime, Affordability and Security Travelling with a group, common costs like transportation and guiding are shared across all travellers, which makes our tour prices very reasonable and far cheaper than private touring or tailor made options. Our trips are classic itineraries that visit all the main draw cards in each Destination as well as a few lesser known places off the beaten track. So exploring exotic far-away places, you'll have peace of mind and a feeling of security travelling with a group that's accompanied by a local tour leader too. Our team As a team, we've always been more like a close family than colleagues, bound by our passion for travel and a work ethic. We pride ourselves on having the most passionate people in the industry, committed to making the excitement of travel available to anyone who seeks it. Every year or so we'll all get together for a few days to share ideas and jointly set our compass for the year ahead. Supporting local communities Tourism is one of the most important and largest industries in the global economy and employs more people worldwide than any other. For those of us privileged enough to travel, we take on a responsibility to aid
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  • explore Northern ethiopia
    Join a small group tour of Ethiopia that over 13 days showca...


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