RED JACKAL TOUR OPERATOR - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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P.O.BOX 28529, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
(251) 011 155 34 67
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Company manager
Yohannes Assefa
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Company description
RRed Jackal Tour Operator PLC is established in 1998 E.C as per the rules and regulations of Ethiopian government. It is composed of a well-experienced team to offer you historical, natural, and cultural and safari tours to meet individual customers’ interest and organize different packages to go with clients’ travel plans.

Our company offers a wide range of service and tour programs including:-

* Package tours
* Tailor made tours
* Special interest tours:
 City tour of Addis Ababa
 Historical tours to the Northern part of Ethiopia
 Cultural tour to the southern tribal peoples
 Religious trip to the historic route of Ethiopia
 Incentive trips
 Sport trips
 Weekend trips
 Group and individual trips
 Bird watching trips   
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 River Rafting
 Trekking
 4X4 Adventure tour
 Coffee farm tour
 Hiking
 Visit of Native communities, wild life and water bodies

* Car hire – The company’s 4WD safari land cruiser, of special 4WD safari cruisers which are fully insured and in excellent condition equipped with a two way radio communication , mobile phone communication facilities and comfortable window seats which offer the best way to experience the well known natural beauty of Ethiopia's national parks, game reserves, historical, cultural and natural heritage sites.

For the town of Addis and surrounding places of interest, Red Jackal will provide you well-equipped and comfortable Minibuses (10-12 seats), coaster buses (25-27 seats) and first class comfortable 25 and 35 seats Mercedes buses equipped with air conditioning and W.C.

* Guides- The company’s experienced safari and cultural tour guides and drivers who have been in this business for more than 10 years will share with clients their knowledge and exceptional insight of the country.

* Airport Transfers and arranging logistics for meetings- Addis Abeba, being the capital city of Ethiopia and a seat for the African Union, often hosts international meetings. Our company is always on standby to provide airport/hotel transfers, arrange logistics and allocate vehicles for any other transportation services.

* Reservation of Hotels and Lodges- Clients should not be worried about blocking any hotels, lodges or resorts. Red jackal has a long and well-established relationship with almost all the service givers in Ethiopia. The company’s good acceptance among the service providers makes it the most preferable company to rely on for your hotel and lodge reservations.

* Camping trips - the company provides all the necessary equipment for camping including excellent meals, quality tents and shower and toilet facilities.

* Flight reservations:

Red Jackal works directly with Ethiopian Airlines, Lufthansa, British Airways and other airline offices to meet our customers’ needs relating to flight reservations.

* Red Jackal works not only with global tour operators but also with companies, schools and NGOs doing humanitarian missions.

“Whatever kinds of tour you have in mind, name it. We will make it happen”.
Just let us be your travel assistants!


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