AMK Authorized Accountant & Consultant in Ethiopia - Addis Ababa
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Company name
AMK Authorized Accountant & Consultant in Ethiopia
P.O.Box 6323 , Addis Ababa Ethiopia - Kirkos, Garad Mall , 1st floor , office # 432-1-14
Contact number
Mobile phone
(+251) 0113493335
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 2:30 - 10:30
- Tuesday: 2:30 - 10:30
- Wednesday: 2:30 - 10:30
- Thursday: 2:30 - 10:30
- Friday: 2:30 - 10:30
- Saturday: 2:30 - 6:00
- Sunday: CLOSED
Contact Person
Amdemichael KifleCompany manager
Amdemichael KifleEstablishment year
6-10Registration code
0004170952VAT registration
12095160824E-mail address
Company description
General background of:-
AMK Authorized Accountant and consultant in Ethiopia
My name is Amdemichael Kifle and I have my own firm in Ethiopia named AMK Authorized accountant and consultant. Our short business profile and major firm services are as follows:-
The firm Amdemichael Kifle was established on Tahisas 02, 2000 (E.C) dealing in another sector. The Certificate of Professional Competence was received from the Office of the Federal Auditor General on Tir 13, 2001 (E.C). Even though the Certificate was received on Tir 13, 2001 (E.C), before he got an accounting firm license, Amdemichael Kifle had experience for 17 years in Accounting & Auditing in various business sectors including NGOs.
The primary functions of Amdemichael Kifle here in after called AMK Authorized Accountant
AMK Authorized Accountant and Consultant in Ethiopia attest to the reasonableness of disclosures, the freedom from material misstatement, and the adherence to the application in previous the financial system named Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Also, currently, we are closely working on the new accounting system applicable in Ethiopia's applying International Financial reporting system ( IFRS) which is replacing the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
AMK Authorized Accountants and Consultants in Ethiopia perform as per required professional standards and Federal and State laws to maintain independence from the entity for which they are conducting an attestation (external audit and review) engagement. However, AMK Authorized Accountants and Consultants in Ethiopia perform Accounting work only and do not work as auditors. However, the firm is currently working as an Associate consultant of different Audit firms in Ethiopia.
AMK Authorized Accountant and Consultant in Ethiopia, have the best experience in preparing and finalizing financial statements, cash flow statements, Income tax, VAT, Pension, and profit tax preparation. These services will be applied in various business organizations which are based on their financial software and record systems to a private limited company (PLC), a sole proprietorship, a share company, construction, and other small business areas.
AMK Authorized Accountant and Consultant in Ethiopia is one of those most trusted experts in Ethiopia and also is a member of ACCA (Chartered Certified Accountant) London- UK. And also is a member of, the Ethiopian Professional Auditors and Accountants Association and Association of External Auditors.
AMK Authorized Accountant and Consultant in Ethiopia has worked & finalized the report of financial statement as well as the internal and accounting control systems, conducted meetings, and discussed and agreed on financial reports, and other related matters with top management of different governments, non – governmental organizations, and private companies broadly detailed as follows:
• Entertainment and event-organizing entities
• Agricultural businesses
• Construction Companies
• Non-Governmental Organizations
• Real estates
• Financial Institutions, namely Banks and Savings and Credit Institutions
• Import and Export Companies
• Hotels
• Hospitals
• Merchandising businesses and distributors
• Factories
AMK Authorized Accountant and consultant in Ethiopia
My name is Amdemichael Kifle and I have my own firm in Ethiopia named AMK Authorized accountant and consultant. Our short business profile and major firm services are as follows:-
The firm Amdemichael Kifle was established on Tahisas 02, 2000 (E.C) dealing in another sector. The Certificate of Professional Competence was received from the Office of the Federal Auditor General on Tir 13, 2001 (E.C). Even though the Certificate was received on Tir 13, 2001 (E.C), before he got an accounting firm license, Amdemichael Kifle had experience for 17 years in Accounting & Auditing in various business sectors including NGOs.
The primary functions of Amdemichael Kifle here in after called AMK Authorized Accountant
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and Consultant in Ethiopia are related to professional accounting work and services.AMK Authorized Accountant and Consultant in Ethiopia attest to the reasonableness of disclosures, the freedom from material misstatement, and the adherence to the application in previous the financial system named Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Also, currently, we are closely working on the new accounting system applicable in Ethiopia's applying International Financial reporting system ( IFRS) which is replacing the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
AMK Authorized Accountants and Consultants in Ethiopia perform as per required professional standards and Federal and State laws to maintain independence from the entity for which they are conducting an attestation (external audit and review) engagement. However, AMK Authorized Accountants and Consultants in Ethiopia perform Accounting work only and do not work as auditors. However, the firm is currently working as an Associate consultant of different Audit firms in Ethiopia.
AMK Authorized Accountant and Consultant in Ethiopia, have the best experience in preparing and finalizing financial statements, cash flow statements, Income tax, VAT, Pension, and profit tax preparation. These services will be applied in various business organizations which are based on their financial software and record systems to a private limited company (PLC), a sole proprietorship, a share company, construction, and other small business areas.
AMK Authorized Accountant and Consultant in Ethiopia is one of those most trusted experts in Ethiopia and also is a member of ACCA (Chartered Certified Accountant) London- UK. And also is a member of, the Ethiopian Professional Auditors and Accountants Association and Association of External Auditors.
AMK Authorized Accountant and Consultant in Ethiopia has worked & finalized the report of financial statement as well as the internal and accounting control systems, conducted meetings, and discussed and agreed on financial reports, and other related matters with top management of different governments, non – governmental organizations, and private companies broadly detailed as follows:
• Entertainment and event-organizing entities
• Agricultural businesses
• Construction Companies
• Non-Governmental Organizations
• Real estates
• Financial Institutions, namely Banks and Savings and Credit Institutions
• Import and Export Companies
• Hotels
• Hospitals
• Merchandising businesses and distributors
• Factories
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- Accounting and Book keeping serviceAMK Authorized Accountant and Consultant in Ethiopia, have t...
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