"Omo Valley Cultural Odyssey"

"Omo Valley Cultural Odyssey"
About the product
Embark on a 4-day tour of the Omo Valley and visit the Dorze, Konso, Bana, Hamer, Dassanech, Ari, and Mursi tribes. Take a boat trip on Lake Chamo, visit the crocodile market, and see the Mago National Park.

Day 1: Fly to Arba Minch and drive to the Dorze village, set high up in the Gughe Mountains. See the traditional Dorze and spend the night in Arba Minch.

Day 2: Take a boat trip on Lake Chamo to visit the crocodile market. Drive to Turmi and see the Konso village, a UNESCO site known for its terracing. Visit the Bana village and see the Hamer tribes. Spend the night in Turmi.

Day 3: Take a trip to Omorate to visit the Dassanech people. Drive to Jinka and see the Ari people, the largest population in the lower Omo Valley. Spend the night in Jinka.

Day 4: Take a day trip to Mago National Park to visit the Mursi village. See the women with terra cotta on their stretched lower lips and ear lobes. Drive back to Jinka for lunch and transfer to the airport for your flight to Addis Ababa. Attend a folkloric dinner and see dances of the various ethnic groups of Ethiopia.
$650 per person
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