EPHREM PEST CONTROL - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

1 Review
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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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1 Review
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I am very much disappointed by the service provided by this company. I had contacted them for cockroach problem I had in two of my kitchens. As I have three young children, I warned them about its indoor use. They told me that that they will use aerosols and that they will flush my cabinets as well as the entire room. As a cautious mother, I wanted to test the product in the kitchen found in the servant quarter. My God, the toxic smell did not go away for a week. It damaged my stainless steel working space... these are cruel people. What would have happened if I used it in the kitchen in the main house? What would have happened to my children? When I got back to them, no one responded.
Very unprofessional!

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