1 Review
Dr. EMEBET SPECIAL DENTAL CLINICMenarol Building, Fikremariam Aba Techan St+251-911-404917, +251-116-181357https://www.ethyp.com/img/et/l/_1634580353-92-dr-emebet-special-dental-clinic.jpg
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Company name
Menarol Building, Fikremariam Aba Techan St, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
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Working hours
- Monday: 7:30 am - 6:30 pm
- Tuesday: 7:30 am - 6:30 pm
- Wednesday: 7:30 am - 6:30 pm
- Thursday: 7:30 am - 6:30 pm
- Friday: 7:30 am - 6:30 pm
- Saturday: 7:30 am - 6:30 pm
- Sunday: Closed
E-mail address
Company description
Dr. Emebet Special Higher Dental Clinic is a unique dental clinic in Ethiopia with a team of 9 certified professional Doctors and multiple dental hygienists, assistants and dental technicians, who have a passion for the science and art of dentistry. Our team of highly competent dental specialists, hygienists and support staff are committed to giving you the best, most up-to-date and friendliest dental healthcare there is. We treat each client with utmost respect, courtesy, professionalism, honesty, and confidentiality.
Dr. Emebet Higher Dental clinic as a pioneer of dentistry service in Ethiopia was founded by Dr. Emebet in 1991 E.C. The founder and the Manager of the clinic is a well renowned and qualified professional of dental treatment who has abundant skill, knowledge and
Dr. Emebet Higher Dental clinic as a pioneer of dentistry service in Ethiopia was founded by Dr. Emebet in 1991 E.C. The founder and the Manager of the clinic is a well renowned and qualified professional of dental treatment who has abundant skill, knowledge and
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experience on the field. She had a vision and a sacred mission on how she wanted to build up her dental practice. She set up the practice under her strict guidelines and values to provide the best dental services in Ethiopia. She slowly and steadily developed a team of specialist dentists who shared her vision and values.Location map
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Dr. EMEBET SPECIAL DENTAL CLINICMenarol Building, Fikremariam Aba Techan St+251-911-404917, +251-116-181357https://www.ethyp.com/img/et/l/_1634580353-92-dr-emebet-special-dental-clinic.jpg
personally Dr emebet dental clinic is the top dental clinic in Ethiopia its hard to find clinic with a great quality and grace this place is the first clinic I've been where the TV channel is not stuck on a news channel
Questions & Answers
I have more than couple of questions:
1) Yeteborebore tirs timolalachuh wey?
2) addis tirs titeklalachuh wey?
3) What is the cost for those two services?
4) how many days to the maximum needed to get those servises
1) Yeteborebore tirs timolalachuh wey?
2) addis tirs titeklalachuh wey?
3) What is the cost for those two services?
4) how many days to the maximum needed to get those servises
Is appointment mandatory to come to the clinic and get treatement?
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