PETRAM COMPNAY PLC - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
1 Review
PETRAM COMPNAY PLCKebele 14, 390, P.O.Box 7075510949, 5504030
PETRAM COMPNAY PLCKebele 14, 390, P.O.Box 7075510949, 5504030
A great company to work at or work with. It is packed with extremely potential and highly experienced man power than any other company I have known in Addis Ababa. The knowledge and the strategies of work packed in this company has envied numerous multimillionaire companies for quite a while. Any Ex-Petram worker even though might have some negative comments, has actually learned so much in this company and took a bigger leap in his/her knowledge. No company is perfect and one thing I would like to critique the company about is the unfair pay plus the lack of recognition towards real hard workers that the company has instead of praising those who are actually hurting the company or those who are actually stealing from the company.
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